What Are You Made Of??? 💪🦸‍♂️🦸🏾‍♀️

What are you made of? This quote is all too often found in superhero films where the main character finds themselves in a troublesome situation and must dig deep to persevere through. After overcoming the obstacle, they become enlightened or discover a newfound power, allowing them to save the day and become a hero. This is a question that we need to be asking ourselves from time to time. Why? Because it reminds us of the challenges we overcame even when we didn’t believe it possible. These moments of despair and darkness are a test of our spirit. Overcome the obstacle and we are filled with immense joy and pride. Fail…. well we never truly fail. We may not succeed the first time around, but we can regroup with a new plan and attack it from a new angle the next time around. There have been moments in my life where I’ve felt “stuck in a rut”. This arbitrary phrase tends to be the scapegoat for many of our problems. If we feel “stuck” in life, I challenge us to take a step back and evaluate where we are versus where we want to be. There will be times when hard work and perseverance are enough, and other times when a 180-degree turn is needed. Regardless of the challenge you face, realize everyone around you is also fighting their own battles. Individuals who possess strong character traits and tend to attract success are often those that have overcome the greatest number of obstacles in their lives and continue to do so daily. The amazing thing about life is that it’s incredibly hard with detours at every turn. Just as we start to figure things out we are tested again and again. Not only does this keep our daily lives interesting, but also strengthens our mental and physical abilities. Never forget all of the obstacles/challenges you have already overcome in your lives. Use that as motivation to continue tackling uncomfortable situations and making yourself 1% better each and every day!

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, please reach out to me with any comments at theonlyCV@yahoo.com

Pass this article on, it might just make someone’s day!

(Source Photo: Michelle Blumenthal)

4th of July Explosions🧨🧑‍🍳😋


Patience… what’s taking so long😄