Patience… what’s taking so long😄

I'll be the first to admit that there are certain things where I can be unbelievably impatient. For example, if I am warming up leftovers, I get tired of waiting and open the microwave with 10-15 seconds left. Instructions for furniture is my biggest enemy and often get thrown to the side. I could be learning a new skill/subject and want to master it at that moment instead of slowly learning and progressing over a long period. I wish I could hit the fast forward button and skip to the part of my career where I've finished school and am out of debt🤑. When I look back, it's obvious that there is a certain level of emotional discomfort making me act/think in this way. Our wants and desires can drive us to do some crazy things and sometimes lead to an obsessive mindset. I've found myself spending an enormous amount of mental energy obsessing about a long-term goal or desire negatively impacting other important parts of my life daily. Someone I look up to greatly and who continues to teach me patience through his actions has been my father. He is soft spoken at times, but his actions speak louder than a rockstar. Every day after coming home from an exhausting day at work, he would spend his evenings helping us with homework or starting our school project due the following day. If anything in the house breaks, he seemingly can fix and make it better than new. Although it may take a little extra time, there is not a single thing that my dad has been unable to fix, repair, or solve and let me tell you... it's annoying haha in a good way. In college, I would ask him physics problems that my friends and I had absolutely no idea how to solve and he would grab a piece of paper and meticulously lead us through the problems drawing out diagrams and making sure we understood every aspect of the problem. He could have easily just given us an answer and gotten back to all of the other responsibilities he has. It's quite cool being around someone like this because it gives me hope that I'll also one day be able to emulate some of these skills. He's always been incredibly patient and spends extra time to make sure things are done correctly and properly the first time around. Although I am not as patient as him yet, I've got a goal to work towards each day. One of these days I might be able to put together a small cabinet from IKEA using the instructions and without wanting to pull all of my hair out😄

Happy Father's Day Dad! 🧰💪👨‍💻


What Are You Made Of??? 💪🦸‍♂️🦸🏾‍♀️


Vacation Vibes