Time Flies ⌛✈️

On day #1 of medical school, I was informed that the days would be long, but the months and years would pass quickly. Their statement accurately describes how the first seven months of medical school felt. It's remarkable to think that a year ago, I would not have been able to study for 10-12+ hours daily without having my brain literally explode. I guess my body has become accustomed to the long hours of sitting and studying, which is not a healthy thing haha. One of the most valuable things I've learned from medical school is the importance of cherishing each day as a fresh start. It has taught me to seek out and appreciate the small things in life. My schedule can get hectic at times and if I'm not careful, each day begins to blend together. Once the days start blending together, I feel like a hamster running on a wheel and lose track of my goals. It's the little things such as watching the birds play in a puddle or watching the sunset that temporarily removes me from reality. These moments, although short, bring me back to earth. Take a moment this week to lose yourself in the present moment. It's a gift that we are not guaranteed, so cherish it because if you blink you might just miss it.


Knowledge is Simply Knowing, While Wisdom is Understanding🤔🧠💡


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