Knowledge is Simply Knowing, While Wisdom is Understanding🤔🧠💡

Throughout my seemingly unending journey of academic endeavors, I have met hundreds if not thousands of individuals that I would consider smart and knowledgeable. Synthesizing the correct answer for a complex problem, remembering random equations/facts with ease, and putting the pieces of the puzzle together come to them as naturally as breathing does. Although these individuals are extremely bright, I am hesitant to consider any of these individuals as truly wise. In my eyes, someone can be born smart, but nobody is born wise. Wisdom is learned from trials, tribulations, and a lifelong commitment to acquiring it. It takes patience, courage, and humility. Take this quote from the Better Humans as a humorous example “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.” We are constantly in pursuit of knowledge each and every day. Personally, that is why I am still in school. There is still so much that I need to learn to achieve my dreams. However, I cannot forget the importance of applying what I have learned in new experiences. Applying knowledge to our lives is difficult and we will fail more often than not which is okay! Through our failures, our understanding will deepen and we are getting 1% wiser!


The Best Is Yet To Come! 📈🏅


Time Flies ⌛✈️