See You Later Instead Of Goodbye 👋

Over the past year, I’ve been granted an opportunity to work alongside the most caring, loving, and brilliant group of healthcare professionals! 🤓🧠❤️ It’s crazy to think that all this happened due to my audacious idea of competing in an Ironman and my family’s big mouth. My time with the Vein Care Experts was extraordinary. They took me in as family from day #1, something I’ve never felt at any other job. Not only was I excited about work each day, but I knew I would always learn something new/unique. There was never a dull moment, whether it be my first time using a stethoscope to check blood pressure “took 4 tries but we got it haha”, helping out during Radio Frequency Ablations, making foam, rolling dubes, bandaging up patients, or even cleaning up the room. The doctors I worked alongside were phenomenal individuals to say the least. Besides having years of experience and a plethora of knowledge, they were some of the most empathetic individuals I have ever met. The care they delivered to their patients is something I hope to one day give my patients. Lastly, I admire the team of people they have surrounded themselves with. Starting with our enthusiastic and composed Ultrasound tech “A.K.A The Wizard” who seemingly knows everything about anything and who I had the privilege of practicing my Spanish with. Next, our amazing front desk receptionist who’s astoundingly able to complete and organize all of the agonizing paperwork. Then, my work mom who cared for my well-being but always listened/helped out in any way she could. Lastly, they had me, guess I cracked a few jokes here and there but that’s about all haha. No doubt that I will miss all of these individuals, but they have all inspired me to continue down a path in healthcare and one day build a team that is just as amazing. A long road filled with obstacles and challenges awaits, but a road where my impact on others can be life-changing. If you asked me a year ago, I would have never imagined the opportunities/people I would have met. We all have our paths drawn out for us, follow your line and trust things will be brighter on the other side. Take every opportunity as a privilege, because you never know where it will take you.

See you later Vein Care Experts👋

Nos vemos :)

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