Non-Negotiables 🪨⚖️

At times we live in a chaotic world where our attention is constantly fought for and the to-do list is seemingly infinite. During situations like these, I find myself relying on my non-negotiables to keep some balance. What exactly is a non-negotiable? A non-negotiable is a rock in our daily lives. No matter how busy we get or how many excuses we have, the rock will not budge. For example, daily exercise has been a non-negotiable in my life since forever. No matter how busy or chaotic my schedule may be, I will always find time to crank out 20 pushups while waiting for my food in the microwave, do lunges while reading or calf raises while waiting in line. What I love most about non-negotiable is there is no maybe, only I will. First, we get a quick boost knowing we accomplished another task, but second and more important is it brings about structure in our life. Our non-negotiables will never change even if everything around us changes and that’s extremely comforting to know. I’m currently working on making sleep a non-negotiable for me. With my life about to be flipped 180 degrees, it is more important than ever to prioritize my sleep and general well-being. In the past I would happily sacrifice sleep for an extra hour or two of studying, now I will have to learn to prioritize my time and act more efficiently. Maybe you don’t currently have a non-negotiable in your life, well now is the time to add one. This can range from any physical task like exercising or simply upholding morals that you hold close. Whatever it may be, make sure it's your decision and fight to make it a reality daily.


Feed My Starving Children 🧑‍🍳🍚


See You Later Instead Of Goodbye 👋