Last Day At The Park ๐Ÿž๏ธ

Unexpectedly, I got to spend quality time with my old tae-kwon-do buddies this week. Our time together brought me back to a simpler time when tae-kwon-do was one of the main focuses of my life in addition to playing video games and slacking off with my school work haha ๐Ÿ˜›. Being around them felt like coming home after a long journey. Without skipping a beat, we began reminiscing over all of the special moments and occasions shared. My friend Amie is the coolest neighbor and one of the sweetest people I have ever met said, โ€œWe never really knew when our last day at the park would beโ€. I was a little confused at first because I didnโ€™t remember going to any parks, but she continued to explain. When youโ€™re a little kid and playing at the park, you never know if today will be the last time you play at the park. Maybe your family is moving, youโ€™ve grown up, or responsibilities start to pile up and you simply do not have the time. I started thinking about all of the โ€œlast day in the parkโ€ moments in my life. The last time seeing my middle school friends, the final time instructing together with my tae-kwon-do buddies, the last time competing with my tennis team, and many more. I admit that I often take for granted all of the amazing people around me daily. They make my life incredibly special and often I fail to show them the appreciation they deserve. Life is so unexpected and uncontrollable that every moment not cherished with each other is a missed opportunity. Moments like these make me want to rewind and live these experiences over, but this time cherishing every moment just a little longer. Until I figure out time travel, Iโ€™ll just have to appreciate those around me to the fullest and remember how lucky I am to have phenomenal individuals in my life. For every last, there will be a first. Each of these moments signifies a new chapter in our lives where we begin tackling new challenges. Not only to build our character but to also experience the vast greatness present in the world around us. Never forget these moments where you courageously took a step forward and most important never forget those with whom youโ€™ve shared those memorable experiences.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, please reach out to me with any comments at

Pass this article on, it might just make someoneโ€™s day!


See You Later Instead Of Goodbye ๐Ÿ‘‹


Work Smarter Not Harder