Playing The Cards You Are Dealt ♠️♥️♦️♣️

How many times have you caught yourself saying "I wish I was ....". This varies for everyone, it could be wishing you were smarter, taller, stronger, richer and etc. I will be the first to admit that I still use this as a crutch. Whenever things don't go my way, I find myself blaming my lack of innate ability. It's all too easy to say something like "If only I was smarter I wouldn't have made that mistake.". As I've grown, my focus has shifted towards taking responsibility and adapting my strengths to situations I am put in. This is the same mindset I had going into every college tennis match I played. I was not going to win the match using my weakness, instead, I had to figure out how to use my strengths to win. The same applies to real life. Everybody has natural abilities and anyone who doesn't believe so is lying to themselves. Build up your strengths to their pinnacle and you will then realize just how unique and phenomenal you are.


Become Someone's Hero🦸


Courage 🦁