Become Someone's Hero🦸

What does it mean to be a hero? In my eyes, a hero is someone that stands up for what they believe in and is willing to make sacrifices for the benefit of others. I was very fortunate to grow up around many people whom I would consider my "heroes". They taught me the importance of fighting for what I believe in and never giving up. I admired their courage, respectfulness, and honesty. As a young kid, being around these people was extremely powerful and motivated me to become like them. Looking back, I believed they were invincible and nothing could stop them. They set an example for me and now it's my turn to set an example for those around me. I'm super thankful for a big loving family because there are so many younger kids around me that I can try to be a positive influence on. Whether you believe it or not, someone out there looks up to you as a hero. You've got an opportunity to shape and mold their life. Let's make it a positive one!


Chinese New Year Celebrations 🐉🎉


Playing The Cards You Are Dealt ♠️♥️♦️♣️