Feed My Starving Children πŸ§‘β€πŸ³πŸš

Isn't it nice to be able to grab a drink of water late at night, or wake up in the morning to a refrigerator full of food? Living in America is a unique privilege that many of us take for granted. I am guilty of this and never truly take time out of my day to appreciate little things such as water fountains and a surplus of food. I could not imagine going an entire day without food or clean drinking water. After 12 hours of no eating, I tend to get hangry!😑 I'm unable to focus and have absolutely no energy. It is incredibly sad thinking about little kids worldwide that are unable to find meals for weeks at a time. This is why I love volunteering at Feed My Starving Children. A non-profit organization whose mission is to provide meals to malnourished children worldwide. It is an amazing experience from the electric energy inside of the packing room to the love and compassion that each worker puts into the organization. Imagine how many of those kids could become the next Albert Einstein or Bill Gates if they had the same opportunities we have. We are not just sending a little bag of rice and veggies to these kids, we are sending a message of hope and a chance at a new life. By taking 2 hours out of my day, I was a part of a group that packed 25,920 meals for malnourished kids. I've scrolled uselessly on social media countless times in my life for 2+ hours doing absolutely nothing but killing my brain cells. Why don't I go out and volunteer more is the question I will be asking myself from now on. I encourage you to do the same, where and what organization can you help with? It's incredible the impact you can have on others by just sacrificing a couple of hours out of your day. It's easy to forget how good life truly is for many of us. It's not until we have all of these amazing things taken away that we appreciate what we have.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, please reach out to me with any comments at theonlyCV@yahoo.com

Pass this article on, it might just make someone’s day!


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