1st Week of Medical School 🤓👨‍⚕️🩺🏫

It seems like yesterday when I came up from high school telling my parents that I might want to become a doctor. I'm not sure if they took me seriously or not, and honestly, I'm not sure how serious I was at that moment either. I had no idea how difficult the path ahead of me would be, especially the MCAT... I can thank these four letters for permanent PTSD and occasional panic attacks haha😆! As I reflect on the tough times and challenges I've overcome, there's been a constant throughout. The support and love I have from my family and close friends. As cliche as it may sound, I truly would not be where I am today without them. There is not a day that goes by where I don't appreciate how lucky I am to experience this life with amazing people around me. It felt unreal to attend my first week of medical school lectures. The atmosphere is electric and full of energy, something I have only experienced a handful of times. My classmates are incredibly smart and amazing people. They are from all walks of life and have a plethora of talents that I'm simply in awe of. They are going to push me to find a better version of myself. Although I've only known these people for 2 weeks, we have already created an atmosphere of growth, and that's wonderful. I firmly believe that to live a good/healthy life, one must constantly be growing in some aspect. I know once exam season starts and my emotional high from starting medical school comes down that times are going to get tough🤓. I fully expect to have no time and frankly no life for a little while, but it's so comforting to know while I'm studying I will still have the support and strength from those close to me. I only have a finite amount of energy, but with the support of those close to me, I now have an infinite amount of energy, and nothing can stop me. This is one of my many superpowers🦸 The amazing thing is that we all have this superpower, many of us just need to open our eyes to it.

Thank you, everyone!!!!

You all know who you are and I'm incredibly thankful for each one of you!!!


The Signature of a Lifetime! ✍️🎾❤️


Feed My Starving Children 🧑‍🍳🍚