Chinese New Year Celebrations 🐉🎉

The Chinese New Year is an important cultural celebration rich in tradition and symbolism. It continues to be one of the most important celebrations in our family as it is the one time of year when the entire family gets together. We exchange red envelopes💵, enjoy a feast of special foods🍲, and most important share laughs😄 and fun moments with the family. I have to give great thanks to my grandma for continuing this tradition year after year. It is always a stressful time for her, wanting the food, decorations, and ceremony to be perfect. Her commitment to maintaining family traditions is admirable and the message couldn’t be clearer. Inevitably we will all find our own careers, families, and paths in life, but that does not mean that we need to forget about family traditions. By maintaining traditions, we provide a sense of continuity and stability, connecting the past, present, and future generations.

The Chinese new year is said to mark the end of winter and the beginning of winter. I sure hope that is true! :)🙏


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