
The stillness of the past few weeks has provided ample opportunity to reflect on the previous year, with its blend of excitement and challenges. Amidst the various experiences, a particular piece of advice from a colleague consistently lingered in my mind and continues to guide my actions. Before starting school, he said, "You have to believe that you can do it without any evidence that you actually can." Although this idea seems straightforward, embracing it was much more difficult than expected. At the time, I failed to fully grasp its essence, and even now, I still do not completely understand it. However, I have come to realize that aspiring to be a certain person requires thinking and behaving like that person from the outset. Setting audacious goals is easy, but maintaining unwavering faith in accomplishing these goals daily presents an entirely new challenge. During the highs, belief naturally surges, but it can diminish rapidly when confronted with obstacles along the path. If my goal is to become a knowledgeable and exceptional doctor, I must adopt the mindset of one and hold on during the highs and lows. Regardless of what we aspire to be, we must cultivate the right mentality that brings the conviction that one day, we will indeed achieve our profound goals.


Father's Day Weekend Bash 🦞🏌️‍♂️


Memorial Day Weekend🇺🇸🌭🍔