Father's Day Weekend Bash πŸ¦žπŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ

I feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to spend quality time with my family this summer, especially considering the uncertainties that future summers may hold. Whether it be watching the most beautiful princess perform on stage, feasting on massive quantities of seafood for Father's Day, or bonding with my dad on the golf course, this weekend has been filled with cherished moments. I only wish we had started golfing prior to this summer. Golf is one of the few sports where we are on a level playing field. I can swing faster/harder than my dad, but my ball tends to take unpredictable paths and very rarely goes straight. Although my dad's ball does not travel as far, it is usually straight and lands on the fairway. Proper technique and smart/calculated shots from my dad continually win over my erratic golf stroke haha. Ironic enough, our approaches to golf mirror our personalities as well. I have a tendency to go all out and give 100% of myself toward the things I want in life. I might not have the best plan or straightest trajectory, but I will find some way to make it into the hole at the end of the day. On the contrary, my dad tends to take a more deliberate and calculated approach, not wasting any unneeded energy. It won't be the fanciest or flashiest moves, but it will always be the correct move. Just goes to show how much I still have to learn from my dad who is not only an incredible man but an exceptional father. πŸ’ͺ


Finding Your Flow πŸ§–

