Memorial Day Weekend🇺🇸🌭🍔

Describing the past week as a refreshing break from constant studying would be an understatement. Engaging in everyday activities and reconnecting with old friends has invigorated me. I enjoyed playing golf, tennis, and fishing, while also bidding farewell to a dear friend. Witnessing the proud graduation of two of my brothers, and being quoted in a speech, filled me with a sense of accomplishment. Moreover, catching up with my colleagues at work and, most importantly, spending quality time with my extended family made this week truly exceptional. It has been one of the most memorable weeks I've had in a long time.

In the midst of life's occasional monotony and sluggishness, similar to watching paint dry, weeks like these serve as powerful reminders of life's value. However, weeks like these remind me of the value of life and motivate me to continue striving for greatness so I can experience more of these phenomenal weeks in the future. I am fully aware that such moments and weeks are not guaranteed to come by every day, which is precisely why I will cherish each second to its fullest. Treasure these exceptional moments and realize how lucky we are to experience them.




First Year Of Medical School ✅✅✅