Pressure is a Privilege💥💥

I'm sure all of us can think of a time when we were put in a situation where we had to perform. Whether that be on the sports field, the classroom, at work, etc. It's never easy to perform at our best 100% of the time and it's easy to allow these situations to overwhelm us. While watching the US Open this week, I came upon a quote written by one of the all-time great tennis players Billie Jean King. It read " Pressure is a Privilege - it comes to those who earn it". The entire week I reminisced on the times when I felt immense pressure in my life spanning sports, academics, jobs, relationships, etc. I'd love to think that I handled every situation in the best manner, but I would just be lying to myself. Looking back, I can't recall many times where I thought to myself, gosh, I'm so lucky to have all of this pressure. At the moment, I was trying my hardest to keep my head down and get through it without imploding! 🤯 In the past month of school, I've done my best to shift my mindset into appreciating the pressure and challenge that I am presented with daily. Ironically, I feel more motivated to tackle my quizzes and exams which are almost becoming daily haha. I try to remind myself of how many other people would dream to be where I am today. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and appreciate how far we have come. We may feel the pressure and stress, but have to remember that we are capable of handling these situations. In case you have forgotten, you've proven yourself and deserve to be where you are today! Appreciate all of the challenges you get to face, it's a privilege!


First Barrage of Exams 🎯🤯😌


Pineapple Pizza 🍕 🍍 🥳