Learning To Love Unexpected Gems💎

The weather this past week was phenomenal and on par with the nicest weather we have ever had for the first week in November! My week was incredible. Every day seemed to get a little bit better and my mood and energy just kept rising. The weather was so unexpected and truly a gift during this time of year. It was special to pull out the summer clothing for one last hooray and hit some golf balls with my family. I took every opportunity to enjoy the weather and have no regrets even if I could have gotten a little bit more studying done haha. I'm working hard to open my eyes to these unexpected gems and appreciate them to the fullest. It is all too easy to focus on the hustle and bustle of the noisy world around us. Instead, why not look for the little gems in your life that can bring you happiness and joy? We are all presented with unique gems every day, but it's our job to appreciate and realize how lucky we are to be presented with these opportunities!


Finals Week 🤯


Never Go Hollywood! 💯