Finals Week šŸ¤Æ

Wow! The quarter has come and gone in a blink of an eye. I still remember walking into orientation with first day jitters and asking myself what the heck did I sign up for...šŸ˜†The first few weeks forced us to adjust quickly as we were thrown into the deep end and expected to find our own way to swim. Mentally it was also challenging to realize that being ahead on material is not realistic. Most of the time I was busting my chops just to stay on top of material. Looking back, I'm thankful for the challenges and my school pushing me past my limits. I've grown more in the past 3 months than I have in quite a while. Everyday is a new adventure and an opportunity to grow and get 1% better. The days may be long, but the months/years will pass by quickly!


Whatā€™s Your Next Step?


Learning To Love Unexpected GemsšŸ’Ž