Consistently Good Instead Of Occasionally Great! πŸ€”πŸ“ˆ

While listening to my favorite podcast this week, I heard the phrase "Success will come to those that are consistently good vs. those that are occasionally great". This simple yet profound statement has stayed with me all week. Reflecting on my past experiences, I can confidently say that more often than not, I choose to chase the occasional great moments. Such moments have often felt purposeful and exciting, but more often than not, they have led me to over-exert myself, causing stagnation. For instance, when starting a new workout routine, I tend to push myself too hard too soon, leading to illness and stalled progress. This has happened more times than I am proud to admitπŸ˜…πŸ˜…. In retrospect, I realize that I could have made small yet consistent progress had I paced myself. This week, I've been ruminating on similar experiences in my life and realized that starting slow and building a sturdy foundation is more beneficial in the long run. The journey may take longer, but the progress and development will be more sustainable and satisfying. I encourage you to reflect on your life and consider the times when you've chosen to be occasionally great at the expense of consistency. Going forward, let us prioritize being consistently good, knowing that it will eventually lead to greatness. πŸ“ˆπŸ…


20 Seconds of Insane Courage 🦁


Bump Set Spike!🏐