Bump Set Spike!🏐

In an attempt to procrastinate from my studies, I decided to start an intramural volleyball team with a group of close friends at school. The plan was perfect, I recruited the tallest guys I could get and thought we were going to win every game easily....at least that's how I thought things would go. Warming up for our first game, it was very obvious that none of us had ever set foot on a volleyball court much less touched a volleyball before. One of my mates almost pulled his calf jumping for a ball and another accidentally spiked the ball on one of our opponent's heads. 🀦Once the game started, we all realized that we had no idea how the scoring system works or any other rules of volleyball.πŸ˜… The first game was rough, every rule in the book was probably broken and the discoordination between the 6 of us was hysterical. The only thing coordinated about our team was our outfits, a crop top shirt, and 5-inch inseam shorts.πŸ˜† Game #2 was a complete turnaround. We must have found our mojo because we almost won 25 points in a row, Going into game 3 there wasn't a doubt in our mind that we weren't walking out of the gym with a 1-0 record. The other team started strong and we rallied from a 16-24 deficit to tie it 24-24. Now, I am not normally one to make excuses, but there must have been a higher power granting the wish of the other team. At match point, my teammate spiked a huge shot. Surely I thought that we won. Except it somehow hit someone's foot, reflected back at the net, rolled, and flopped right back onto our side. Nobody could believe what we just saw. Who knew you could use your feet in volleyball haha. Regardless of the outcome, we all had an amazing time and enjoyed ourselves much more than expected. Can't wait to find something new to do and hope you are doing the same!


Consistently Good Instead Of Occasionally Great! πŸ€”πŸ“ˆ


Don't Stop Believing πŸ•ΊπŸŽ€