Tough Decisions 🤔🧠

As I watch my younger brother apply for college, it reminds me of my own experience deciding which undergraduate program to pursue. Back then, I was naive, young, and scared of the decision I had to make. Honestly don’t think much has changed since 😄. I empathize with him because it seems like his heart is pulling him one way while logic is pulling another. Nicolas is exceptionally bright and can find solutions to difficult problems with ease. However, choosing a college program isn't as straightforward as problem-solving. There are countless factors to consider, and it's rare for everything to align perfectly. Like Nicolas, we have and will continue to face pivotal decisions that will shape our lives. My two cents is to follow your heart and take full responsibility for your choice. Even if your decision doesn't make financial or logical sense, it's still part of living a fulfilling life. Make a decision that you can be proud of and never look back. Nobody else has to be happy with your decision except yourself! Let's keep moving forward and being proud of the decision we have made!


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