Swedish Sensation

Life truly is a mysterious thing. Few get the opportunity to experience this gift and fewer take responsibility to live the life they desire. The twisted road that leads to happiness and success is one that requires many qualities such as courage, discipline, etc. However, we must realize that this road isn’t meant for a single person to travel alone. Those who travel alone will take unwanted detours, fall prey to temptations, and may even be defeated by the near-impossible task that lay before them. Admittedly, I’ve been stuck, confused, lost, and defeated more than a couple of times. Looking back, it was never solely my strength and courage that saved me. My gratitude goes out to those around me who continue supporting me through all of my crazy endeavors.

Throughout my life, I've been exceptionally privileged to create strong bonds with individuals worldwide. This past week I met up with Marcus, a close friend from Sweden for the first time in 3 years. If I had to give a quick summary, I would say he is an absolute beast in the gym, loves freshly baked cookies, can’t remember where he puts anything, is impossible not to smile around, and has the purest of hearts. We were able to work out a couple of times together and it was humbling to lift with him. For such a small guy I thought surely I would out-lift him, but no…. them Swedes are built differently I guess haha 💪. Regardless if I’m having a great or terrible day, I’ve got amazing people in my corner like Marcus who won't let me slack off and will always push me past what I previously thought was possible. Good people are tough to come by and good friends are even harder to find. When you do find these people, realize that in itself is a miracle and celebrate that. Send those individuals a text every once in a while letting them know how much you appreciate them!

I would love to hear your comments on this subject @ theonlyCV@yahoo.com

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Beginning My Meditation Journey 🧘‍♂️


Laughs and Languages