Success πŸ“ˆ

During the past week, I had an enriching discussion with an old mentor about success and our perspectives on what defines a successful individual. The concept of success encompasses many things, such as material wealth, familial relationships, chosen lifestyles, and more. In our attempt to create a generic answer to the question of success, we came to a consensus that success has little to do with material possessions or leading a lavish lifestyle. Instead, we strongly agreed that true success lies in having dreams and aspirations that one consistently pursues. We believe that an individual can be considered successful if they possess a clear vision of their desired future and actively work towards it every day. For instance, if someone's dream is to run a hot dog stand and they dedicate themselves to making that dream a reality, we would consider them successful. On the contrary, a person who may have immense wealth but lacks purpose or joy in their daily life would not be deemed successful in our eyes.

One crucial lesson I took away from our conversation is that each person holds a unique definition or concept of success. It is essential for me to reflect on my own values and priorities. Regardless of external opinions and pressures, if I am passionately pursuing what truly matters to me and persevering in the face of challenges, I can confidently consider myself successful. I sincerely hope that you can discover what holds significance in your life and strive to fulfill those dreams. Ultimately, the only person capable of determining your success is yourself!


Embracing Battle Scars πŸ§—


Aloha πŸ₯₯πŸπŸ§πŸŒ‹πŸ πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ