Luck and Brothers

Some people are extremely lucky in life. Everything seems to come so naturally to them such as IQ, athletic abilities, success, riches, etc. Although I haven’t been lucky in those aspects, I know that I am one of the luckiest people on this earth. Why? Because I have the best three goofballs I call brothers to experience life with! They make my days exciting, full of joy, and occasionally drive me nuts:). Most of our downtime is spent together and we love to watch funny movies, play games, workout, and every now and then have a karaoke night. We always try to one-up each other, creating a healthy space for us to excel in our endeavors. My favorite memories were listening to them roar me on during tennis matches and their support got me out of some tight situations. Our relationship is one of a kind because no matter where we find ourselves now and in the future, we can always lean on each other's shoulders for support and advice. I’m banking on this because somebody has to help me pay for my med school loans haha… They may look up to my academic and athletic successes, but there is not a single day that goes by where I don’t admire and feel immense pride in their success and achievements. I can say with complete sincerity that it is an honor to be the shortest, least handsome, and tied for the lowest IQ out of the 4 of us. They’ve taught me more about myself and the world daily, much more than they will ever know. Forever thankful for these 3 hooligans I call best friends.

Remember that friends will come and go in life, but family is forever. Nurture those relationships closest to you, because your family will be there to pick you up when times get tough and will raise you even higher when all of your dreams come true.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject, please reach out to me with any comments at


Laughs and Languages


Sleep = Superpower