Eat More Protein!!! πŸ—πŸ–πŸ₯©

It's no secret that most people aspire to look and feel their best. As summer is rolling around, many of us eagerly await some time off work and exciting new experiences with loved ones Why not make this the summer where you transform your body? Whether you want to shed a few extra pounds or, like me, add some muscle to your chopstick frameπŸ˜ƒ, the three crucial elements to guide you towards your goal are strength training, sleep, and increased protein consumption. While I have previously discussed the benefits of strength training and sleep, I'd like to emphasize the significance of incorporating adequate protein in your diet. Protein is vital for building muscle, and it indirectly aids in fat loss because lean protein sources are not easily overconsumed.A useful guideline for daily protein intake is to aim for 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight. If you intend to lose weight, strive for 0.7 grams of protein per pound of your desired body weight. You may think that you easily hit these protein goals daily, but I challenge you to track your food for a week and see how much protein you truly eat. The first time I tracked my protein intake, I was shocked at how little protein I was eating and I'm known to eat a lot of food...πŸ˜… In the subsequent weeks, I focused on consuming adequate amount of protein and found it to be more challenging that I expected. Protein is so filling that I had no room for desserts or processed snacks after my meals. This is particularly beneficial for those seeking to lose weight, as the additional protein will keep them satiated, making them feel like they are not on a restrictive diet. You do not need to eliminate anything from your diet; instead, aim to meet your daily protein goal before indulging in sweet or salty treats. Time to cook up a delicious lean steak!πŸ˜‹


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