Beautiful Fall Colors!

Fall is truly a spectacular time of year🍁. The array of leaf colors, beautiful sunsets, and pumpkin-flavored everything. I've never been one to appreciate the change in seasons and tend to complain it's always cold haha. This year may have changed that. Walking down trails near my school, I was completely in awe of the beauty around me. The contrast in colors of the trees, chipmunks ravaging through the bushes, and the sweet sound of birds chirping. It was one of the few places where I felt completely encapsulated in the moment. My goals, dreams, and to-do list seemed to disappear. It was nice to slow down. Many of us have extremely busy schedules and forget to appreciate the "season" we are in. Whether it be a physical season like fall or an emotional season in our lives. Things can always be better, such as having warmer weather or a couple of extra hours of sunlight in the winter:). However, things could always be worse as well. Reflecting on this year, I'm working hard to stay present in my current season and accept/be happy with how things are. It's all too easy to complain and forget about the amazing things we already have around us. Maybe we just need to take a walk and remind ourselves of all the great things we already have.


Never Go Hollywood! πŸ’―


Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸŽΎπŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬πŸ’£